Last month, I participated in a local elementary school’s annual career day. As in years past, I requested the fourth graders. Fourth graders are fun because they articulate interesting viewpoints with a refreshingly child-like enthusiasm.
The toughest part is competing against the fireman with the truck, the paramedic, and the vet with the dog. This year I even saw someone from the bomb squad in the halls! (I assume he was there because of career day.) To liven up my 20-minute presentation on the law, I engage the students in a quick mock trial. I give them a scenario and pick kids to play Plaintiff, Defendant, Lawyers, Judge and Bailiff. The rest of the class is the jury. I tell each lawyer to say a couple of things to try to convince the jury that his/her client should win, and then the jury votes for the winner. The remaining few minutes are spent answering questions about being a lawyer.
As in past years, I received thank you notes from the students. I love the notes! Reading them has been a high point of my week. Here are a few snippets (edited for spelling).
“It was so fun playing the plaintiff. I might be a lawyer when I grow up.”
“I am not being a lawyer. They are boring job to do. Because you go to the court house every once and a while.”
“You know what I want to be is a movie star, because I would love to meet Justin Beiber because he can sing and he is really cute.”
“What I want to be when grow up is a spy then a movie star. The reason I want to be a spy is because I want to help the world. The other reason is because the secret weapons.”
And my favorite: “What I wanna be when I grow up is a brain surgeon. Why? Because I think it will be interesting and specially learning about my brain maybe I will give you some facts about your brain. I think you would like to hear some facts about your brain.”