Last Wednesday, I woke up super early, made myself a strong cup of coffee and took the girls to the airport for a 6:50 a.m. flight to Denver. Ryan has been working every other week in Denver, and we had decided to join him this month for a mini-vacation.
Flying with the girls by myself is getting easier with practice. Thank goodness for a good set of headphones and “Beauty and the Beast” on my iPhone – for Katherine, of course. I have learned to ask for and accept help wherever possible. The most helpful person was the security guard in Denver International Airport who noticed that the laws of physics prohibited me from steering the double stroller while also pushing a heavy suitcase.
The girls and I kept active during the days while Ryan worked. We enjoyed the downtown aquarium. Its layout reminded me of the Gatlinburg aquarium (still the best in my mind) in the sense that you simply start walking and follow a path which takes you through all of the exhibits. We loved the shark tank and spent quite a lot of time watching the sharks watch all of us.

Sharks in the shark tank
We did the whole aquarium restaurant experience, complete with aquarium walls and girls swimming in fins and bikinis (aka the mermaid show) while we ate our lunch.
We also went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, which required a cab ride. Katherine was almost as excited about the cab ride as she was to see the dinosaur bones I had promised she would see. When we arrived, we found out that the planetarium’s show “One World, One Sky” was not only about to begin but that it was designed for preschoolers. This was her first experience in a theater, and she handled it well. Angela happily napped through the whole thing.

At this display, we were allowed to touch an actual dinosaur bone
And, yes, Katherine got to see dinosaur bones and even touch one at a display. Katherine and I both loved seeing all of the fossils.

Just some of the skeletons on display at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Other highlights during the week included sipping our Shirley Temples at the lounge on the 27th floor of the Hyatt next to our hotel and repeatedly visiting the Big Blue Bear.

Katherine loved playing around the feet of the Big Blue Bear
On Saturday, we rented a car and drove the Peak to Peak scenic byway from Central City to Estes Park, Colorado. The scenery in the mountains was breathtaking. Angela lost a sock at the Savory Cafe in Nederland, and Katherine lost her lunch by Lily Lake. We did not get a lot of photographs during our drive, but here is one beautiful picture Ryan took.

View of a mountain from the Peak to Peak Scenic Byway
On Sunday, we had plenty of time before our early evening flight back to Columbus. We walked around downtown Denver and enjoyed the festive atmosphere as crowds cheered on the bikers coming through town in the USA Pro Challenge bike race. My favorite part was playing one of the pianos sitting in the middle of the 16th Street Mall.

Katherine and I played one of the public pianos on the 16th Street Mall
I just realized that I have not posted any pictures of Angela from our trip. Below is a picture of her sporting her Ohio State gear at Croc’s Mexican Bar and Grill.

Angela loved sitting at the table with us at Croc's
Overall, we had a fantastic time in Denver. It was a great family vacation!